Advocacy | Australian Veterans' Connect Program
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MEANING:      Advocacy


  1. 1.

    public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy.


  2. 2.

    the profession or work of a legal advocate.

The ATDP supports ex-service organisations (ESOs) who provide advocacy to the veteran community.


The ATDP is managed by DVA with close involvement with the Registered Training Organisation, the Regional Implementation Groups (RIGs) and the assessors. The program is funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA). 


Accredited advocates authorised under Veterans Australia work in the Advocacy Services Community which provides compensation and wellbeing advocacy assistance to all veterans.


Search the ATDP Accredited Advocate Register to find an advocate located near you.  If the postocde of where you reside produces no results, please place the postcode or suburb of your nearest town as the advocates may travel to you.

Legal Aid




Advice - free of charge about rights and entitlements under the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986, the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (Defence-related Claims) Act 1988, and the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004.  Assistance - free of charge: to complete claim forms, questionnaires and to write statements; and/or to lodge applications for review to the Veterans’ Review Board (VRB), Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) and higher courts.

Veteran Advocacy Services that may have a cost


Advocates and programs play an important role to promote, protect, uphold and defend the human rights and wellbeing of Veterans, Widowers, and their families.   Outside of the ATDP there are many organisations, businesses and people that represent and assist Veterans with their claim for veterans benefits.


Before engaging a service where you may be charged, it is recommended that you discuss and review all clauses before signing the agreement.  Some key points to look out for, but not limited to, are:


  • The scope of services - One of the most important central clauses to the contract will be the part that describes the actual services to be performed.


  • Payment terms - What are the specific payment terms and how does this affect your overall financial outcome


  • ​Termination of the agreement- Usually, in any contract, the termination provision is very important. 


  • Your obligations - What are your specific obligations? Usually, in a service-based contract, there will be certain things that you will be required to do. If you do not do these specific things, the service provider may have an excuse for not doing the work they promised.


  • Third party permissions - Decide whether the service provider should be allowed to use third parties, then, review the agreement to ensure it conforms to your wishes.


  • Privacy and Confidentiality - If the service provider is dealing with your medical in-confidential information, they should clearly identify the information, and should specify how it can (and cannot) be stored, used and disclosed. Your information may be at risk of being misused, cyber attacked or released to the public.


  • Limitation of liability - Service providers may often include a limitation of liability clause, which limits the extent of their liability to you, in the event that you suffer some kind of loss.


  • Indemnity - It confirms which party would be liable for certain losses that may occur in connection with your claim.   Check who the liability lays with for any losses under decisions made, as your claim is determined by DVA not your service provider. 


  • Seek independent legal advice as this may affect your future and any further claims/entitlements through DVA

Aged Care Advocates


Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) can assign you to an aged care advocate. Your advocate can listen to your situation and provide independent assistance that is in your best interests.

Australian Banking Advocates


Customer Advocates are your voice within the banks.  The Advocates help customers and have the power to escalate issues.

Disability Advocacy


Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA)  Advocates support or work on behalf of a person with disability to help them to speak out and defend their rights and interests.

Family Law Advocates


Each Australian State and Territory have a Family Advocacy and Support Service (‘FASS’). FASS combines free legal advice and support at court for people affected by domestic and family violence.

NDIS Advocates


The National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP) supports people with disability to access effective advocacy 

Workplace Advocacy


The Commission's Workplace Advice Service organises free legal help for employees and employers that qualify.  The service is only for employment issues that involve: dismissalgeneral protections, bullying at work, sexual harassment at work.

Youth Advocacy


Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA) is a not-for-profit community organisation, representing the rights and interests of young people with disability (aged 0-25) in Australia

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